Filming location photo, shot in England, for GoldenEye (1995). Scene description: A black armored train, red star on the side, races through an empty station.
Filming location photo, shot in Monaco, for GoldenEye (1995). Scene description: Bond (Pierce Brosnan) watches Xenia Onatopp (Famke Janssen) meet with the Canadian Air Force captain as they head towards his private yacht.  In the middle of having sex with him, she kills him by crushing his chest between her thighs, while an accomplice steals the admiral's ID.
Filming location photo, shot in Monaco, for GoldenEye (1995). Scene description: Bond (Pierce Brosnan) leaves the casino walks to the highest point of an open-air theatre for a view overlooking the bay.
Filming location photo, shot in Monaco, for GoldenEye (1995). Scene description: Bond (Pierce Brosnan) arrives at the Monte Carlo casino where he meets and flirts with Xenia Onatopp (Famke Janssen), a member of the Janus crime syndicate, who has formed a suspicious relationship with a Canadian Navy admiral.
Filming location photo, shot in Switzerland, for GoldenEye (1995). Scene description: Bond (Pierce Brosnan) infiltrates a secret Soviet chemical weapons production facility with the intention of destroying it by bungee jumping from the top of a dam.
Filming location photo, shot in Switzerland, for GoldenEye (1995). Scene description: An unknown figure, who we later discover is James Bond (Pierce Brosnan), runs with purpose along the top of a dam stopping half way across to secure rope to the barrier and himself before leaping off.